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Featured blog posts

Nobody cares about your startup

If you can’t tell potential customers why they should care about your company or product, you will have a hard time becoming the rocket ship you have been pitching to everyone. What you need is a compelling story that resonates with your audience.

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3 min. read
10 startup pitfalls you should try to avoid

I have spent the past 15 years focused on accelerating startups. I have founded two companies, advised multiple startups, evaluated 600 Techstars startup accelerator applicants, and been a founding marketer four times. Here are some common startup pitfalls I have noticed over the years.

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5 min. read
How to beat the odds as a startup 

According to a Startup Genome study, the most common reason startups fail is due to poor product-market fit. This blog post will give you a framework that explains what product-market fit is, how to find it, and how to know if you have product-market fit.

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8 min. read